Indiana Review accepts general submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from February 1–March 31 and from September 1–October 31. We also periodically accept submissions for a number of prizes and special features.

We welcome translated work across genres. Please ensure you have the proper rights to the work prior to submitting.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted. Please withdraw your work immediately if it has been accepted for publication elsewhere. If you need to withdraw a single work from a submission containing multiple pieces, please click on the title of your submission; click on the "Messages" tab; and send a message detailing which piece(s) should be withdrawn.

Indiana Review typically has a response time of ~5 months, though our response time may occasionally be longer, especially if your work is under serious consideration. Please do not query us about the status of your submission unless at least 9 months have passed. 

All submissions must be previously unpublished. Publication includes works posted to personal blogs, online journals, or magazines, and to any part of a thesis or dissertation that has been published electronically. Indiana Review cannot consider work from anyone who is currently a student or employee of Indiana University or who has been within the past 4 years. We also do not consider same-genre submissions from authors we have published within the last year.

There is a $3.00 reading fee for General Submissions. If our general $3 submission fee presents a hardship to you for any reason, please email us at to request a fee waiver.

Incarcerated writers and any writers without access to Submittable can mail their submissions to our office at 1020 E. Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405.

Ends on $3.00

We consider fiction submissions of up to 6,000 words in length, and prefer documents that are double-spaced in 12-point font with numbered pages. You may include up to three pieces of flash fiction (<1,000 words) in a single document. 

Ends on $3.00

We consider submissions of 3–6 poems, up to 12 pages total. Please include all poems in a single file.


We consider creative nonfiction of up to 6,000 words in length, and we prefer files that are double-spaced in 12-point font with numbered pages. Up to three pieces of flash prose  (<1,000 words) may be included in a single document.

For our Poetry Prize, send no more than three poems in a single document.

The winner will be awarded $1000 and publication in an upcoming issue of Indiana Review.

Each $20 submission comes with a year-long subscription to Indiana Review. Entrants without a US mailing address will receive an electronic version of the journal.

Please note the following:

  • Previously published works and works forthcoming elsewhere cannot be considered.
  • Multiple and simultaneous submissions are permitted; however, each submission requires a separate reading fee. Please withdraw your piece immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • IR cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with Indiana University or the prize judges. This includes people who have studied or taught at Indiana University in the past four years.
  • Your name or other identifying information must not appear on your submission.
  • All submissions will be considered for publication.

This year's contest will be judged by Sarah Ghazal Ali.

We look forward to reading your work!

Send us one creative nonfiction piece, up to 5000 words, for a chance at $1000 + publication. Each paid submission also gets you a year-long subscription to Indiana Review. Entrants without a US mailing address will receive an electronic version of the journal.

Please note the following:

  • Previously published works and works forthcoming elsewhere cannot be considered.
  • Multiple and simultaneous submissions are permitted; however, each submission requires a separate reading fee. Please withdraw your piece immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.
  • IR cannot consider work from anyone currently or recently affiliated with Indiana University or the prize judges. This includes people who have studied or taught at Indiana University in the past four years.

This year's contest will be judged by Shayla Lawson.

We look forward to reading your work!